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About Us

Here is a potted history


     We are an evangelical Church that is committed to the view that the Bible is true and that the Bible's message is vital. We are excited about communicating the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone.

    We value the role of the Church as a caring community of people that love and support each other. We aim always to be a unified Church, ONE in Christ Jesus, as we believe that unity is one of the greatest forms of evangelism. We want to be reaching out to people in the local area with the message of God's forgiveness, love and hope. We believe that each and every person is special and of immeasurable value in God's sight.

    We meet regularly to worship God as a Church family. Our style of worship mixes both traditional and contemporary elements. We strive to make our Sunday services and weekly Church activities attractive and relevant to all, both young and old. We want to be a Church where each person grows in their faith and life with Jesus.

    We believe in the 'priesthood of all believers' as we are committed to encouraging each Christian to use their God-given gifts in the service of the local church and for His kingdom. We believe that God is the head of the Church and that we are all ministers in His service. We believe that God leads and guides the local Church in its decisions when the Church members meet to discern His will.

    We want to cater for the many new residents soon moving into the Willows and for those already there we aim to do a new work among children and young people and among residents generally.